Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Goin' Global

I just re-watched this movie and I'm super stoked on it. It's a great portrait of metal around the world. I can forgive the fact that he only traveled to 7 countries to illustrate his point- after all there's only so much info you can cram into a feature length movie. The one thing that's glaringly absent though is Sarcofago. Sure they're not as big as Sepultura, but if you're going to stop by Brazil, why not talk about one of the only bands outside of Europe that had a hand in shaping the sound of modern Black Metal?

After living in Tokyo for a while, I can say his description of the scene here is pretty spot on. Unlike in other places, metal doesn't seem to be an outlet for Japanese fans to express their anger, but more to explore an individual sense of identity. I also like Kawashima-san's [Sigh] take on the difference between 'Visual-K' and metal-- "Metal is cool." Gotta say, Sigh was pretty cool live!

Definitely worth the watch if you haven't already. There's a pretty good torrent going on over at TPB.

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