Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Judas Priest - Painkiller

Since this is my first post and I'm in Tokyo, let's talk about something tangentially related. Loud Park. If you don't know what those words mean, then you probably haven't seen the Anvil documentary and I would advise you do something about that. Loud Park is Tokyo's big annual two-day metal fest (it was the other weekend) and I sat it out this year.
So in honor of me not getting off my ass to go see Halford co-headline Loud Park with Korn (it's over a $100 for the day too- yeah fuck that shit), here's Judas Priest's first (of two) album sans-Halford: Jugulator. I first heard a track off this when one track somehow wandered into my library. I believe it was "Burn In Hell". It always caught my ear when it came on, partly cause the singing sounded a little different. I finally got around to picking up the full album a while back and did a little research after talking about it with a co-worker who was stoked on the album. He told me it was Tim "Ripper" Owens from Iced Earth on the mic, and although I'm not big on IE, the absence of Halford and that one track were bait enough for me to check it out. Man am I glad I did! This has the later Priest flavor that is more aggressive and has a lot of double kick work. Don't get me wrong, I listen the shit out of some Stained Class, but I like the more heavy, evil sounding shit too. And it turns out the guy's no slouch on vocals! The band definitely had something to prove without their main man and they rose to the task. It's no Painkiller, but it's well worth the listen. Other reviews I've read of this album are pretty mixed, but the naysayers are all the douchey purists you always come across who can't follow a band through changes and expect them to put out albums that all sound the same for decades on end. Fuck that, this album rules!
Click image for DL.
Or if that's not working, do it the old fashioned way.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Converge at 33rpm
After that experience I was never really into Converge. However, I got turned on to their Jane Doe record tuned down to 33rpm. It's not as good as say, 15 Counts of Arson at 33, but it makes this band tolerable.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Noothgrush / Wellington Split

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Iron Monkey - Our Problem

Iron Monkey - Our Problem.
Early sludge from England. Southern riffs, evil vocals with a heavy touch. Think Eyehategod with Unruh vocals.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Don't Just Kill Time, Slaughter It
Rainbow of Death
Here's my first post! This is Rainbow of Death, a female-fronted french band with influences that range from d-beat to grind to pop punk. It's like they take all these sounds, throw it into a blender for 30 sec. and out comes, well, Rainbow of Death. Don't let their MS Paint logo fool you. Their record is kind of hard to find this side of the pond so if you find it, pick it up. For fans of Melt Banana, Combat Wounded Veteran, and French blast beats.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Fetal Rock
Same Old Punks, Brand New Problems
Welcome to the New World
name- Thom Skuld
city- Tokyo, Japan
bands(current)- Amputee, Ogre [Japan]
(former)- Haunted Castle, Dismembered Head
other metal exploits- Metal Race, Metal Race 2, Submit To Satan zine
a few words- I am an artist and musician (drums) from Brooklyn, NY (ok originally Chicago) now living in Tokyo. Most of the stuff I listen to is black, death, and thrash metal or d-beat, crust and some hardcore and any combination of the aforementioned. In the past few years, after living with a Maiden fan, I've also let go of my prejudices and now enjoy heavy metal as well.
SKVLD's site
Blake Sinclair
I'm a west coast native who spent 3 years living in Brooklyn. I work in photography, surf and ride bikes. I care way too much about coffee. I've played music with Arches, The Mistake and Rats In The Walls. I just became a dad, so I treasure sleep more than anything in the world.
Social Purgatory
Kim Kelly
Kim Kelly was born and raised in the Pine Barrens, and escaped roughly eighteen years later to an entirely different breed of wilderness - West Philly, Brooklyn, North London, and now back in Brooklyn for good (or at least, for a few more months. Who the fuck knows). Her writing has appeared within the pages of Terrorizer, Metal Maniacs, Unrestrained, Hails & Horns, and more, and poisoned the pixels of Brooklyn Vegan, Invisible Oranges, Metal Sucks, Metal Injection and tons of others, as well as sporadically (dis)gracing her own blog, Ravishing Grimness (Ravishing Grimness). When she's not scribbling, she's promoting sweet bands, booking sweet shows, spending entirely too much money on sweet black metal records, and touring with sweet dudes hustling merch/hauling gear. Kim enjoys fine whiskey, Russian literature, big fucking steaks, and the dulcet tones of Mike IX Williams.
Brendan Enright
I’m Brendan and I’ve played guitar in different bands around NYC for the last three years. I grew up
in Indiana whose special blend of culture and progressive thinking has made me the well-adjusted,
fine upstanding citizen that I am this day. In addition to my position as High Priest in Junior’s cult
dedicated to Crom, I spend my time being a curmudgeon, listening to punk rock and metal, drinking nice
beer, drinking shitty beer (when I’m broke), DIY ethics, and exploring the line between cynicism and
misanthropy. Future plans include Nationwide Terrorization (touring).
Mike Ley
Born in Columbus, Ohio and grew up in post-Slint Louisville, KY. After partying in Bloomington, IN for 5 years, I moved to Brooklyn where I have been working as an art director and deisgner. I run the small press mlproject, hides mfg, and contribute to endless blockades, tracko, and how about never? while listening to the finest streetpunk, oi, hardcore, skinhead reggae, terrace terror and kraut rock.
Junior Tidal
My name is Junior and I play guitar and sing in We Are All Savages [We Are All Savages Site]. I was raised in Kentucky (Filipino by birth, southern by the grace of god), but have called Brooklyn home for the last five years. I am also a cult leader. In addition to attending interventions, turn ons include DIY culture, bourbon, punk rock, and fake meat.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Buzzov*en @ Public Assembly. Sept. 30th, 2010

The crowd did the masters no justice. How people can stand still in the face of that kind of fury is fucking beyond me. We are unworthy of the gifts we were given.
Fuck that was a good show.