Last night Haunted Castle (minus Thom the drummer, who obviously doesn't count because he's a fucking drummer right?) were invitied over by the Sleepies to partake in a little head to head assholery in the form of the UpTheDrunx PodcASSt. Many beers were consumed, insults thrown, pizza eaten, and longing glances thrown carelessly across the room. Sadly, lost in the moment instead of playing my usual ass and thrash metal, I just played a bunch of songs about fucking Josh in uncomfortable ways. Because of this I totally forgot to play all my good fucking D-beat which was my original intention. Josh, who is a pussy, goes batshit at me fairly regularly due to my inane and occasionally obsessive need to categorize my music down to it's most stupidly compartmentalized state, while comparing his shitty excuse for a garage band (the Sleepies) to every single band that plays anything resembling pop punk at all. It's fun you should try it some time.
So, in honor of Josh's annoyance and the victory of Haunted Castle, here's some Crusty, Swedish, D-beat by Avskum. The album's called Punkista and features some nutty fucking Scandis playing to the same old beat, singing about anti-capitalism, and war crimes, and shit. Fuck me dude, northern European d-beat is just irresistable. Avskum does a damn good job of keeping it pretty close to the Discharge/Anti-Cimex sound (See "State Terrorism" for details) with some Motörhead-esque riffs thrown in there (ever since my friend Junior pointed out that d-beat is sounds like a faster, less in tune Motörhead that's pretty much all I can hear. It's driving me nuts. I think I have Inepsy to thank too. Bastards.) Anyway, long and short, it's a lovely way to start your week.
Avskum - Punkista
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