Considering that I'm still fucking sick yet at work and totally backed up again, I feel beholden to you all to continutally waste energy, time, and harddrive space to provide you with the best in the worst music. Anyways, I don't gotta lot of time to write about this one but I've been meaning to post it for days. Asta Kask was a fucking killer Swedish punk/hardcore band from the 80's that sorta reformed a bit later and is still touring in one form or another to the best of my knowledge. A bunch of songs are definitely of the more melodic sort bordering on some streetpunk goodness. They definitely rock the drunk-a-long chorus like champs (even though I have no fucking clue what these crazy ass swedes are saying). If you're in the mood for some catchier punk, here's your jam.
Asta Kask - Kravallsymfonier 78-86
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