So a minute ago I mentioned that I think Skeletonwitch is one of the best fucking thrash bands currently playing. 100% solid, heavy as hell thrash, black/death vox, definitely one of the tightest rhythm sections I've seen in a long time. If you're in the mood to get back to what metal was about before a bunch of goddamn sallies took it back over this should be stop 1. Every song is good, start at the top. Baptized in flames is a good skate jam.
On top of being gnarly musicians, the dudes in the band are about as solid as you can get. If you ever get a chance to see these dudes, talk to em. Down to earth as fuck.
Skeletonwitch - Beyond the Permafrost
thanks jackie. gotta come pick up dopesmoker soon. that shit's going up on my wall.
yeah dude, come by whenever. NBA jam off for sure.
Yo get that annihilation time too. That shit is killer.
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