Metal punk is pretty much the best shit ever. Metal garage punk, even better. I listened to a shit ton of the first album and this one is just solid as hell too. It's like not quite old school hardcore. Not quite heavy metal riffs, not quite old school hard rock garage and not quite straight up punk, but a sick, twisted, vengeful, ugly, wonderful bastard child of all of them straight down to the perfectly fucked up production and constant use of the word "annihilate"!
Thank god somebody in so cal is still channeling that early Black Flag energy into something destructive.
Annihilation Time - II
Hard to decide which one I like between this and III. So close, but I think this one wins- good choice!
I try. I mean it's like trying to pick between unicorns and pegasuses. Similar beasts, each with unique and wonderful attributes.
Jack, thanks again. You are a good man
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